This section describes that the art we are seeking is about letting it out of us, and we do not have to think in high lofty concepts for great art.
We are told to be ready and just listen to the creative impulses and urges, they are there, we just need to follow them.
We are also told to remember that the universe wants us to create, we are to put our faith in the universe that it will give us what we want.
The correct way to approach perfectionism is to allow for the unfinished details to be worked out later with time, not to stay stuck reworking things over and over and over.
We are told perfectionism is the logic side of the brain, and represents the critic, or censor.
We are given the advice that no piece of art is ever truly finished, but rather it reaches a place where it is okay to move on, to move forward.
"The success of a creative recovery hinges on our ability to move out of the head and into action."
By avoiding risk, we avoid the actions of the art itself - to do art, is to take risks. And although we protect ourself in one way, we harm ourself in many other ways.
Cameron tells us that we don't risk, because we fear that we won't do something perfectly - and that is unhelpful and unnecessary. Thus, we must accept doing things poorly. "You have to be okay with sucking for a while" Michael Joseph Harris.
One more piece of advice she gives us is that, we are always better off taking risks in endeavors. We win, even if we loose. The risk enlivens us, it presents us with energy and freedom to move forward and even non artistic things support our artistic endeavors.
Jealousy is the opposite of abundance. Our jealousy often goes away as we achieve in the similar way. We are told to find how wecan be proactive, do something to move us along to the similar aim/desire.
There are two wonderful fill in the blank exercises around acknowleding childhood lackings, and acknowleding our gifts and bounties that we have now.
"Treat myself like a previous object will make me strong" - we are to reflect and meditate on this idea
Listen to one side of an album
Spend time in a sacred space, traditional or non traditional.
Create a wonderful smell in your house.
Wear your favorite item of clothing for enjoyiment, not for a special occasion.
Buy yourself a pair of really great socks, or gloves.
Create a photo collage from magazines that represents your past, present and future.
List your five favorite films and reflect on their meaning and find connections.
Name your favorite topics to read about
Post your collage in your house.
Despite not doing many of the tasks, I had a good week. I practiced a lot and did my morning pages, which I think are becoming an essential part of my day. I've never done journaling before, but I'm finding it really helpful in sussing out what's going on with me. I did not do an artist's date this week. It was hard with people staying over at our house. The most significant thing in my recovery this week had to do with perfectionism for sure. Positive thinking is helping me a lot, and allowing myself to suck sometimes. I agree with Dallas about being selfish about practicing. I once heard someone say that you need to get addicted to practicing, which is how I feel about it now. I've also found it helpful to essentially make a date with yourself and say that I'm going to practice at this time for this long, and treat it like it's on the books.