Post your plans for this week, and your check in for this week. And anything else you want to share.
Chapter Highlights according to Dallas:
Crazy makers
People who are basically destructive in their behavior, and foisting their problems on their friends, family and community. They are people who are trying to take power over our lives, to take from us to give to themselves.
Julia tells us to be aware and properly label those people we have in our lives who are crazy makers, and we are told to create boundaries to separate and protect ourselves.
And we are told that it's possible we might fear that we could become crazy makers ourselves as a scary result of using and doing our creativity and our artist selves.
2. Attention
To me, this seemed like what I'm used to calling presentness.
There are two stories told here:
a. Julia's grandmother who coped or dealt with a relationship with a crazy maker husband, by having a close relationship to giving attention to the observable world, sharing it with Julia in letters.
b. Julia's coping with her pain from divorce by taking a similar attention to the things in the neighborhood she lived in.
This week's tasks involve looking at where we spend our time, and what we would prefer to be spending our time on.
We are also supposed to read the "Basic Principles" list every morning and evening. (I'm going to print this out and put it next to my desk.)

Check In Week 3
I did only 4 of the 7 days of my morning pages. I diagnose it as being out of routine - still in the serious home remodel mode. But focussing on the positives - this is all great. And reading everyone's check ins is truly honestly inspiring. : )
Artist date - was great. It's a really nice gift to myself, live classical music (that I enjoy) is so so so pleasurable. And I tried to "be the artist" inside of myself. I sat in the front row (it was open seating at a church) They played the Samuel Barber string quartet that has the Elegy for Strings - I didn't know that the piece was originally the second movement of this string quartet, and it was so cool to hear live and in this original form. It makes me think of how we can repurpose our works and our ideas. And I think about that with Piazzolla and Galliano (some of my free reed heroes) who remake and reuse and reinterpret their compositions over the years.
The only significant issues for me this week is being unable to really pick up and play the accordion due to all of this other urgency to work on the house while Devin is here. This week I absolutely have to maek time for accordion becasue I ahve a performance in Madison WI coming up in a couple of weeks and I have to be warmed up for that!